Skin Peels

Skin Peel Treatment in Wells, Bristol, Frome, Bath, Yeovil and Taunton

The clinic offers a comprehensive range of superficial and medium depth peels for a variety of skin health concerns and conditions.

Peels can be used on the face, neck, hands and back.

We use the SkinMed® Enerpeel® brand exclusively.  The technology is new, a patented carrier solution restrains the activity of the acid until it is absorbed. This does not reduce its activity; instead, it restrains the acid and then releases it to accelerate through the skin, enhancing its activity.

SkinMed® Enerpeel® delivers uniform, enhanced absorption of the active ingredients, with two- to three-fold improved skin penetration.

SkinMed® Enerpeel®, the carrier releases the acid’s molecules in a way that  accelerates penetration through the skin layers, separating cells in a ‘cleaner’ quicker way. The result? less surface irritation and faster surface recovery with redness reducing rapidly.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a skin peel and how does it work?

A chemical solution, an acid, is applied to your skin, which causes trauma or injury to your skin’s layers. The skin layers eventually peel off revealing more youthful skin. The new skin is usually smoother with fewer lines and wrinkles, has a more even colour and is brighter in complexion. The peel is usually a course of four to six treatments 2-4 weeks apart depending on the type of peel.

How long do skin peel results last?

Results can last 6-12 months depending upon the indication and the type of peel used.

Is a Skin Peel safe?

Skin Peels are safe, but not risk free, Emma will discuss all the risks and benefits with you at consultation and again prior to treatment.

Am I suitable for Skin Peel Treatment?

The practitioner will take a detailed medical history to ensure you have no conditions that might increase risk of unwanted side effects, consultation is also important to discuss your lifestyle, and expectations and whether this treatment is able to meet them.

Does Skin Peel Treatment hurt?

Most people will report a heating up sensation, sometimes describing it as ‘burning’, but the sensation passes rapidly and the use of a cooling fan can help.

How do I prepare for Skin Peel Treatment?

All make up will need to be removed prior to treatment, so please come ‘fresh faced’ if possible.  Do contact Emma to discuss any illness or new medicines prior to attending.

What is the Skin Peel aftercare?

Immediately after treatment your skin will be pink.  Degrees vary from one individual to another, from pale pink blush to beetroot red.  Any redness is expected to resolve steadily over hours, sometimes it may take 3 or 4 days to return to normal colour.  

First day

Do not apply make-up

Until skin colour returns to normal consider it sensitized

Avoid , sun bathing, vigorous exercise and extremes of heat or cold. These activities have been found to increase and prolong redness and swelling and can cause unwanted side effects.

Use only the recommended products. The use of a serum is recommended to support healthy skin repair and boost results.

Do not pick or scratch the skin as it begins to peel.  Apply the recommended aftercare products to sooth and hydrate the skin.

Peeling usually commences to varying degrees depending on starting point and the type of peel used. It may just appear very dry, or it may peel as if sun burnt. It often begins to peel on day three or four and this phase lasts 3-4 days.

When should I schedule Skin Peel Treatment?

Be prepared for redness.  Make-up should not be applied until the next day. Peeling can commence from day four and last for three to four days. Its important you protect the skin from the sun.  Do not schedule treatment when you have other procedures planned, without first discussing with your clinician. This includes, but is not limited to; hair appointments for dyes or treatments, massage, facials, dental appointments and surgery.

It is best not to schedule treatment just before a holiday abroad. Discuss with your clinician

You may have lots of questions, so why not book a consultation and get answers to your specific needs.

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'Always a pleasure to see Emma, I know I’m in very safe hands and I always love the results!'

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If you have not seen Emma before, you will need a consultation and assessment prior to booking an appointment for treatment.

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Emma talks about Skin Peels