Medical Needling

Medical Needling Treatment in Wells, Bristol, Frome, Bath, Yeovil and Taunton


The FNS medical needling system is a device which delivers 1000’s of micro surgical needle insertions rapidly and enables the practitioner to adjust speed and depth to suit the area of skin and indication for treatment.

Because the needle insertions are so rapid, this is a pain free treatment.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How Does Medical Needling Work?

When the skin is injured, the injury or wound triggers a natural healing response, cells are stimulated to create new, stronger collagen, elastin, and hyaluronic acid to repair the injury.  Because this technique retains a healthy epidermis (the surface layer of the skin) the resulting repair leads to a healthier skin, both in appearance and function.

How Long will Medical Needling Results Last?

The optimum result is achieved over a course of treatments and over a period of months. Depending on the treatment indications a course of between 3 and 5 treatments 4-6 weeks apart will be recommended.  Most patients report a notice improvement after the first two weeks and report skin feels smoother, softer and looks fresher, but the real changes occur from about 12 weeks.  Skin quality continues to improve for up to nine months!

Is Medical Needling Safe?

Since this treatment relies upon natural processes and causes only micro fine, controlled injury to the skin, it is considered very safe, when the appropriate devices are used in trained hands.

When should I schedule Medical Needling Treatment?

The appointment will take up to 90 minutes. 30 minutes for the anaesthetic cream to work and 30-45 minutes for the treatment session.  Be prepared for redness.  Make-up should not be applied until the next day. Do not schedule treatment when you have other procedures planned, without first discussing with your clinician. This includes, but is not limited to; hair appointments for dyes or treatments, massage, facials, dental appointments and surgery.

Am I Suitable for Medical Needling Treatment?

The practitioner will take a detailed medical history to ensure you have no conditions that might increase risk of unwanted side effects, consultation is also important to discuss your expectations and whether this treatment is able to meet them.

Does Medical Needling Treatment hurt?

This is not a painful treatment, indeed, patients describe it as quite pleasant and relaxing.  To ensure your comfort, we do apply a topical anaesthetic cream to numb the skin prior to treatment.

How do I prepare for Medical Needling Treatment?

All make up will need to be removed prior to treatment, so please come ‘fresh faced’ if possible. 

Alcohol, aspirin, Ibuprofen, and a range of dietary supplements including St. John’s Wort, fish oils, Gingko Biloba, Vitamins C and E- may all contribute to bruising and are best avoided 24 hours before treatment.

Treatment cannot be administered if there is an active skin infection, including acne or cold sores or if you are unwell- including colds, coughs, sore throats etc. 

Do contact Emma to discuss any illness or new medicines prior to attending.

What is the Medical Needling aftercare?

Immediately after treatment your skin will be pink.  Degrees vary from one individual to another, from pale pink blush to beetroot red.  Any redness is expected to resolve steadily over hours, sometimes it may take 3 or 4 days to return to normal colour.  If redness worsens or itching occurs in the first few hours after treatment, cold compresses, or an anti-histamine tablet will help to resolve any discomfort.

First day

Do not apply make-up

Until skin colour returns to normal consider it sensitized
Avoid , sun bathing, vigorous exercise and extremes of heat or cold. These activities have been found to increase and prolong redness and swelling.

Use only the recommended products. The use of a serum is recommended to support healthy skin repair and boost results

Once skin colour returns to normal, normal skin care products can be resumed.  SPF 30 or above should be worn daily during the treatment course.

You may have lots of questions, so why not book a consultation and get answers to your specific needs.

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What They Say

'Emma was professional, reassuring and very knowledgeable about the procedure. Very happy to recommend.'

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If you have not seen Emma before, you will need a consultation and assessment prior to booking an appointment for treatment.

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