Belotero Revive

BELOTERO® REVIVE Treatment in Wells, Bristol, Frome, Bath, Yeovil and Taunton

Belotero Revive


BELOTERO® REVIVE is a light injectable hyaluronic acid gel which also contains glycerol, a powerful hydrating agent.

This fabulous product treats the early signs of sun damage as well as signs of ageing.

  • Rehydrates dry skin.
  • Improves elasticity.
  • Reduces skin pigmentation (discoloration, often caused by sun exposure)

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Belotero Revive work?

Both Hyaluronic acid and Glycerol are known to be highly hydrating substances, creating a lasting moisturising effect on the skin.  Studies have also shown glycerol to enhance the potency of hyaluronic acid by strengthening the hyaluronic acid matrix.

The product is injected in small ‘deposits’, you may be able to see them initially, but they settle, usually within hours.

The treatment is repeated 3 times at monthly intervals

How long do the Belotero Revive Treatment results last?

Results can last as long as 12 months.

Is Belotero Revive Treatment safe?

Treatment with hyaluronic acid is safe, but not risk free, the clinician will discuss all the risks and benefits with you at consultation and again prior to treatment.

Am I suitable for Belotero Revive Treatment?

The practitioner will take a detailed medical history to ensure you have no conditions that might increase risk of unwanted side effects, consultation is also important to discuss your expectations and whether or not this treatment is able to meet them.

Does Belotero Revive Treatment hurt

Anaesthetic cream can be used.  The injections sting briefly, but patients generally report only a mild discomfort. After the treatment, you may experience some tenderness for the first 24- 72 hours.

When should I schedule Belotero Revive Treatment?

Allow up to 60 minutes for your appointment.  Anaesthetic. Cream will be applied and takes 30 minutes to work. The treatment itself involves multiple tiny injections and can take 15-30 minutes.

Improvement  can be seen from 4 weeks but you will gain on this initial result for a further 8-12 weeks.

Do not schedule any important events in the first 72 hours and be prepared for bruising which can take up to 14 days to resolve.

How do I prepare for Belotero Revive Treatment?

Do not schedule treatment when you have other procedures planned, without first discussing with your clinician. This includes, but is not limited to; massage, facials, dental appointments and surgery.

All make up will need to be removed prior to treatment, so please come ‘fresh faced’ if possible.

Alcohol, aspirin, Ibuprofen and a range of dietary supplements including; St. John’s Wort, fish oils, Gingko Biloba, Vitamins C and E- may all contribute to bruising and are best avoided 24 hours before treatment.

Treatment cannot be administered if there is an active skin infection, including acne or cold sores or if you are unwell- including colds, coughs, sore throats etc.

Do contact the clinic to discuss any illness or new medicines prior to attending.

What is the Belotero Revive Treatment aftercare?

Immediately after treatment

After treatment with Revive, there may be some injection marks, small bumps in the skin and some redness.  Small ‘bumps’ may be visible, but not particularly noticeable and usually settle within hours, certainly within 72 hours.

Aftercare Advice

Most people can continue with normal activities. Some will have some redness, pin prick marks. Bruising is possible.

The product is injected in small ‘deposits’, you may be able to see them initially, but they settle usually within hours. It may be possible to feel the product where it has been injected under the skin.  It will settle, there is no need to massage.

Make-up should not be worn for 12 hours

You are advised to avoid alcohol and vigorous exercise for 48 hours

Avoid sun bathing, and extremes of heat or cold for 14 days post treatment.

Any bruising may take a few days to appear, arnica can be helpful in clearing bruising.  It is advisable to avoid aspirin and alcohol for 12-48 hours after treatment.

Tenderness should settle as swelling and bruising goes down.

You may have lots of questions, so why not book a consultation and get answers to your specific needs.

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'Very professional, and treatment was amazing'

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