Hyaluronic Acid
Hyaluronic Acid Treatment in Wells, Bristol, Frome, Bath, Yeovil and Taunton
Hyaluronic acid dermal fillers are ideal for the treatment of lines and wrinkles, nose to mouth lines, smile lines, marionette lines, cheek enhancement, chin enhancement, jawline contouring, restoring temple contours, non-surgical rhinoplasty, tear trough treatment, lip enhancement.
Frequently Asked Questions
Are Hyaluronic Acid dermal fillers safe?
Hyaluronic acid dermal fillers are safe, but not risk free, Emma will discuss all the risks and benefits with you at consultation and again prior to treatment.
How do Hyaluronic Acid dermal fillers work?
Hyaluronic Acid dermal fillers are a clear sterile gel in a syringe for injection into the skin providing instant correction.
Hyaluronic acid attracts and binds water in the skin, providing volume and hydration, but also ‘cushioning’ and supporting collagen and elastin fibers and providing a medium, or carrier, for chemical messages between the cells.
How long Hyaluronic Acid dermal fillers results last?
Longevity does vary between products, and between individuals, but most will last between 6 months and 18 months and sometimes even longer.
Life-style factors can effect longevity. If you choose not to maintain the results with further treatment, your skin will return to its pre-treatment state over time.
What happens immediately after Hyaluronic Acid treatment?
Most patients can resume normal activities without any obvious signs of having had a procedure, however, be prepared for possible redness, pin prick marks, swelling or bruising.
Make-up should not be worn for at least 6 hours, but sterile cover cream can be applied if required.
Am I suitable for Hyaluronic Acid dermal filler treatment?
Emma will take a detailed medical history to ensure you have no conditions that might increase risk of unwanted side effects. Consultation is also important to discuss your expectations and whether this treatment is able to meet them.
When should I schedule Hyaluronic Acid treatment?
Because bruising and swelling can occur and may take time to settle, it is not advisable to have treatment just before an important event. Although the majority of patients suffer only minor side effects related to the injections, it is best to allow sufficient time for any possible side effects to resolve. A minimum of 2-4 weeks is recommended. Your clinician will advise. Do not schedule treatment when you have other procedures planned, without first discussing with Emma. This includes, but is not limited to massage, facials, dental appointments and surgery.
It is best not to schedule treatment just before a holiday abroad. Discuss with Emma.
How do I prepare for Hyaluronic Acid treatment?
Do read all the information provided to you and highlight anything you need to ask about. Check the clinic terms and conditions before attending.
All make up will need to be removed prior to treatment, so please come ‘fresh faced’ if possible.
Check medicines and supplements
Aspirin, Ibuprofen and a range of dietary supplements including St. John’s Wort, fish oils, Gingko Biloba, Vitamins C and E may all contribute to bruising and are best avoided 24 hours before treatment.
Don’t drink alcohol the night before, it will increase your risk of bruising.
Healthy skin and feeling well?
Check with the clinic before attending if any of the following apply
- Cold sore, brewing, active or recent and not quite healed
- Acne break-out
- Feeling unwell - including colds, coughs, sore throats etc.
- New diagnosis or medicines
- New injury for which you are taking pain medicines
- Appointments with the dentist - recent, or planned within 10 days of the treatment
- Travel plans within 10 days of the treatment.
Bring your reading glasses with you.
Leave jewelry at home, especially large earrings, or facial piercings, bring a purse to keep them safely if you have to remove.
Does Hyaluronic Acid treatment hurt?
Treatment need not be painful.
Most leading brands also contain a local anaesthetic, and we can/will apply topical anaesthetic cream, or ice, prior to treatment to numb the skin.
Do you have Hyaluronic Acid treatment aftercare advice?
Most people can continue with normal activities with immediate improvement in their appearance. Some will have some redness, pin prick marks, possibly swelling- particularly in the lips. Possibly bruising. Any swelling and bruising may be more apparent the next day.
For one hour following *lip treatment
To avoid burning your lips, avoid hot drinks until the anaesthetic has worn-off
For 6 hours
To avoid infection:
- Do not reapply make-up
- Do not wear tight head-gear such as bike or cycle helmets, or riding hats, these will not be clean and may increase risk of infection
- Keep your hands clean and avoid touching your face
- Avoid using your mobile phone against the treated area
- Don’t let pets lick your face
Until any redness, swelling or bruising has settled
To minimize discomfort and help it settle:
Avoid extremes of heat or cold or vigorous exercise, until any swelling, bruising or tenderness has settled.
Swelling may worsen in the first 24 hours, and then should settle within the first few days. Cold packs can be helpful in reducing swelling. Be sure not to apply ice directly to the skin or for too long. This can cause a ‘freeze burn’. Because of swelling, the product may feel harder or lumpy and you may notice some asymmetry. The final result may be judged at 2 weeks.
Bruising may take a few days to appear, arnica or bromelain can be helpful in clearing bruising. It is advisable to avoid aspirin and alcohol for 12-48 hours after treatment. Tenderness should settle as swelling goes down. If you have bruising which concerns you, do contact the clinic for further advice.
You may have lots of questions, so why not book a consultation and get answers to your specific needs.
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Take The Next Step
Start a conversation with Emma
If you have not seen Emma before, you will need a consultation and assessment prior to booking an appointment for treatment.