Treatment For Leg Veins

Treatment for unsightly leg veins in Wells, Bristol, Frome, Bath, Yeovil and Taunton

Following diagnosis, there are a number of options to treat or manage. The clinic uses doppler ultrasound to diagnose and the Veinlite to map the veins. Management conservative options include camouflage or hosiery,  Microsclerotherapy treatment if suitable..

Healthy Looking Legs

For some, expert advice on the use of camouflage make-up is all that's needed. For others, the correct hosiery can relieve the symptoms.  Consultation is about diagnosis and explanation of treatment options which best meet your expectations and needs.

Injection microsclerotherapy is a safe and well established treatment for thread veins on the legs.

Microsclerotherapy involves the injection of a prescription medicine directly into the veins to cause a controlled injury to the lining of the vein. Sclerotherapy is the umbrella term for this way of treating all leg veins. Larger varicose veins can be treated with the same liquid drugs or by making them into foam. Varicose veins cannot be treated at Horrington. 

For the smaller vessels, the liquid works very well, and this is specifically referred to as microsclerotherapy.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How Does Microsclerotherapy Treatment Work?

A solution is injected with a very tiny needle, very superficially into the veins, causing the lining of the vein to swell and become sticky. Compression is then applied to close the veins. Over a period of time the vein will heal closed and fade away.

The results achieved after one treatment vary considerably from one person to another. You should budget for up to 4 treatments 4 - 16 weeks apart and you can expect an improvement in their appearance of 60 - 80%.

Is Microsclerotherapy Treatment Safe?

Though safe, it is not entirely without risk. Your practitioner will discuss all the risks and side effects with you at consultation.

Am I Suitable for Microsclerotherapy Treatment?

This treatment is not suitable for pregnant or nursing women, or patients with varicose veins. Your practitioner will take a thorough medical history to ensure you are suitable for treatment.

How long will Microsclerotherapy / Leg Vein Treatment last?

The veins that are successfully treated are gone for good, but there is no cure for the underlying vein condition and treatment cannot prevent new veins appearing in the future.

Does Microsclerotherapy / Leg Vein Treatment Hurt?

This is not a painful treatment, the needles used are tiny and the injections are very superficial. Commonly used sclerosants (the drug used) are not painful on injection. You may experience some prickling and itching after treatment for a few hours, these symptoms can be relieved with anti-histamines which can be purchased over the counter in supermarkets and pharmacies.

What should I prepare for Microsclerotherapy Treatment?

You will need to purchase compression hosiery and bring it with you to the appointment each time.

Hosiery can be purchased from You may choose any brand or style but it must be;
Graduated Medical Compression, medium class.  

We recommend either knee high or thigh high, do not purchase tights as these will be difficult to put on. No matter where your veins are, knee high will be suitable, cheaper and easier to wear.

Brands we would recommend are Legline 20 or Sigvaris both are comfortable and stylish.

•    Do not use bath oils, lotions of creams on your leg for 24 hours before your injections.
•    Dress in loose, dark clothing, jogging trousers or skirt and comfortable shoes to accommodate the support hosiery.

What should I do after Microsclerotherapy Treatment?

You can resume normal activities

Your veins will look worse before they get better. You may have bruising, red marks and you may have some brown pigmentation (looks like fading bruising) which, in rare cases, can take up to 18 months to fade. Following the aftercare advice, helps speed up the healing process and minimizes risk of side effects.

First 12 hours

  • Take a 10-minute walk immediately after treatment
  • Avoid standing for long periods
  • Put your feet up when seated
  • If prickling and itching is bothersome after treatment, anti-histamines, which can be purchased in any supermarket or pharmacy or garage, can be helpful in relieving that symptom.

First week
Wear your support hosiery day and night for 72 hours; at the end of the 72 hours you may take the stocking off and have a short cool shower or bath. Thereafter, wear your support stocking during the day for 7 days; you may take them off at night. After the 7 days, wear your hosiery as often as you can, for as long as you can.

For two weeks

  • Avoid extremes of temperature for 14 days i.e. very hot baths, saunas
  • Elevate your legs as much as possible for the first 2 weeks- when you are seated
  • Exercise is good, but avoid high impact exercise for 2 weeks.
  • If you are in a standing profession or are on your feet a lot (but not walking or pacing), consider wearing your hosiery as often as you can for as long as you can).

For four weeks

  • Avoid sun exposure pigmentation may take longer to fade.
  • Avoid waxing of the legs for 4 weeks.
  • If you are planning air travel discuss with your practitioner who will advise.

Symptoms you may experience

  • Do not be alarmed that the thread veins look worse, this is normal
  • Aching can be expected, walking, and wearing the hosiery as directed should help.
  • There may be bruising and with bruising comes some tenderness. This will resolve, usually within 2 weeks.
  • You may notice veins become hard and or darken. This is a normal part of the process.


You may have lots of questions, so why not book a consultation and get answers to your specific needs.

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If you have not seen Emma before, you will need a consultation and assessment prior to booking an appointment for treatment.

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