Facial Lines, Folds and Contours

Facial Lines, Folds and Contours Treatment in Wells, Bristol, Frome, Bath, Yeovil and Taunton

Commonly known as Botox®, the licensed brand names for Botulinum toxin include Botox®, Azzalure®, and Bocouture®,  and new brands are joining the market. The aim of the licensed treatment is to significantly reduce the movement of the muscles causing expression lines (dynamic lines). 

Botox® is commonly used to treat the frown, crow’s feet and worry lines on the brow.  Successful treatment with Botox® may not cause the expression lines themselves to disappear completely.  

Botox® or any licensed brand of Botulinum toxin is not suitable for lines present without expression (static lines); your clinician will advise you.

Advanced and off-label indications for Botox® or any licensed brand of botulinum toxin A,  include lip lines, chin ‘poppling’, muscles on the lower face and neck, to lift the mouth corners, improve the jaw line and the appearance of the neck. The ‘chewing muscle’ may also be treated to soften a square jaw or to weaken teeth grinding or jaw clenching at night.

All brands of Botulinum Toxin are prescription only medicines (POMs). An appointment for  consultation and assessment to ensure you are suitable for treatment is the essential first step, whether you are new to this treatment or are familiar with it. 


Natural Looking Expressions

Treatment to prevent lines and wrinkles or frowning need not be obvious to others.

Treatments can, to some extent, be bespoke.  If you want lifted eyebrows, or if you want your eyebrows to look the same, either should be possible. Treatment needn’t  stop you having expressions or make you look ‘frozen’. 

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is Botulinum Toxin?

Botulinum toxin is a naturally occurring protein produced by the bacterium Clostridium Botulinum. In a purified form, as is the case with many drugs/medications such as Penicillin, Botulinum toxin is a very safe, effective treatment not only used in cosmetic clinics, but also for several medical conditions, including migraine and excessive sweating. 

All Botulinum toxins are prescription only medicines (POM) and can only be prescribed by doctors, dentists and nurses, midwives, and pharmacists with the prescribing qualification, following a face-to-face assessment and consultation with the qualified prescriber.

Botox® is a licensed brand of botulinum toxin A. Other licensed brands include Azzalure®, Dysport®, Xeomin® Bocouture®.

Botulinum toxins contain albumin, which comes from human blood. No cases of contamination of licensed Botulinum toxin products with infectious diseases have been reported.

Is Botulinum Toxin Treatment safe?

Botulinum toxin is a well-established and safe treatment in cosmetic medicine.

There can be some unwanted side effects, but they are usually self-limiting and resolve as the treatment wears off. There are some medical conditions which contraindicate treatment. Emma will explain all the possible risks during your consultation.

How does Botulinum Toxin Treatment work?

The toxin blocks the transition of chemical messages from the nerve to the muscle so that the muscle stays in a resting state for a period of 8 to 12 weeks on average.

How quickly the result kicks in varies from one individual to another, it can begin to work within hours or days, but we suggest you can reliably judge the result at 2-3 weeks.

There may be only a partial reduction in movement allowing some remaining movement or a full block in which case there is very little remaining muscular movement in the area – this very much depends on the amount administered and location of product placement –treatment may be tailored to suit your individual requirements. Your expected treatment outcomes and whether they can be achieved will be discussed at the time of consultation.

How Long will Botulinum Toxin Treatment Last?

Results tend to last 3-4 months.  Movement will begin recovering from 8 weeks.  Frequent treatment at intervals of less than 3 months is not recommended. Repeating treatment when movement recovers will deliver optimum results over time. Frequency of treatments may be reduced according to the quality of your skin and your response to treatment. Should you choose not to maintain the results and not have further treatment, your muscles and skin will return to their pre-treatment state.

Does Botulinum Toxin Treatment Hurt?

A very fine needle is used and generally this treatment is not described by most as painful and can be well tolerated with no anaesthetic.  Please request an anaesthetic cream or ice if you are nervous about needles. Let us know in advance if injections make you nervous or faint.

Am I suitable for Botulinum Toxin Treatment?

Emma will take a detailed medical history to ensure you have no conditions that might increase risk of unwanted side effects. Consultation is also important to discuss your expectations and whether this treatment is able to meet them. You should not have treatment if you are pregnant or breast feeding.

How should I prepare for Botulinum Toxin Treatment?

Botulinum toxin is a prescription only medicine (Botox, Azzalure, Bocouture (all registered trademarks).  If this is your first time with Emma, you will need a consultation first and treatment will be booked subsequently subject to the consultation and assessment.

Do read all the information provided to you and highlight anything you need to ask about. Check the clinic terms and conditions before attending.


All make up will need to be removed prior to treatment, so please come ‘fresh faced’ if possible.

Check medicines and supplements

Aspirin, Ibuprofen and a range of dietary supplements including St. John’s Wort, fish oils, Gingko Biloba, Vitamins C and E- may all contribute to bruising and are best avoided 24 hours before treatment.


Don’t drink alcohol the night before, it will increase your risk of bruising.

Healthy skin and feeling well?

Check with the clinic before attending if any of the following apply

You think you may be pregnant

Acne or eczema break-out in the area to be treated

Feeling unwell- including colds, coughs, sore throats etc.

New diagnosis or medicines

New injury for which you are taking pain medicines

Bring your reading glasses with you.

Do you have Botulinum Toxin Treatment aftercare advice?

First hour

Keep the target muscles active.

For 6 hours

  • Do not reapply make-up, make-up is contaminated and may cause infection or irritation at the injection points.
  • Do not wear tight head-gear such as bike or cycle helmets, or riding hats.  These will not be clean and may increase risk of infection.

Until any redness, swelling or bruising has settled

Avoid extremes of heat or cold or vigorous exercise, until any swelling, bruising or tenderness has settled. Getting hot can worsen or prolong tenderness, swelling and/or bruising.

Review appointment

You will be invited to attend a review appointment at 2-3 weeks where the success of the treatment may be assessed and adjustments to your personal treatment plan made, if necessary.

It is particularly important you attend for review in this time period if you are not happy with the result. We cannot make adjustments after 3 weeks. We recommend scheduling a review appointment when you book for treatment.

You may have lots of questions, so why not book a consultation and get answers to your specific needs.

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Start a conversation with Emma

If you have not seen Emma before, you will need a consultation and assessment prior to booking an appointment for treatment.

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